Corporate Governance & Shareholder Disputes Litigation & Counselling

CEOs, board of directors, controlling shareholders, institutional investors, minority shareholders, and the government are all stakeholders for companies. Corporate governance must work to mediate opposing stakeholders and to minimize the costs of conflict so that executives can focus on maximizing the profit of shareholders. And surely corporate governance should work by means of effective decision making (regarding procuring managerial resources, raising, managing, distributing profit, oversight, etc.).

Recently, the scope of information that must be disclosed under the corporate mandatory disclosure system is expanding. And the Stewardship Code creates an environment where shareholder rights, such as those of institutional investors, can be actively promoted. Establishing a sound corporate governance structure to create shareholder value under the supervision of an independent board of directors and to create a balance between internal and external stakeholders is an important issue for companies.

Hannuri researches and suggests optimized improvement measures for corporate governance structures according to the needs of the shareholders or managers, and provides specific advice on detailed implementation plans. 


[Corporate lawsuit]

Shareholders' lawsuits due to poor management

Lawsuits to inspect books of accounts

Lawsuits to injunct directors’ illegal acts

Lawsuits for cancellation of general shareholders' meetings

Lawsuits to nullify issuance of new stocks


Applications for permission of extraordinary shareholders' meeting convocation

Tasks related to soliciting voting rights

Tasks related to shareholder proposals

Planning and participating in shareholders' general meetings

Providing general shareholders' meeting information and analyzing proposals

Suite #431, 27, Seochojungang-Ro 24-Gil, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea
+82-2-537-9500 ㅣ FAX. +82-2-564-9889 ㅣ E-mail: hnr@hnrlaw.co.kr