Members’ Profiles

Kim, Sang-won Senior Legal Advisor
Mr. Kim served as Supreme Court Justice of Korea from 1988 to 1994. He was appointed as Supreme Court Justice designated by Chief Justice Lee Il-kyu who took his office after the 2nd wave of judicial reform. Before Mr. Kim became a Supreme Court Justice, he served as a judge in various courts for decades. But, in 1981, with the start of the new Chun Doo-Hwan regime, a military government, Mr. Kim left his office and engaged in private practice for 7 years before he joined the Supreme Court. After his term at the Supreme Court, Mr. Kim spent 1 year as a visiting scholar at the University of Washington. When he came back to Korea, he opened a law office with his two sons Kim Joo-Hyun and Kim Joo-Young. As a renowned expert in civil procedural law, Mr. Kim authored many books and papers in the area. While he was serving as a Presiding Judge in Seoul Central Court in 1974, he received The Award of Korean Legal Culture, the most prestigious award in Korean law society, first for a practicing professional, not a scholar, to receive the award. Mr. Kim has also played pivotal roles in various NGOs, as chairman of Hoseo Educational Foundation, the Child Fund Korea, the Korea Christian Conciliation and Arbitration, the National Trust Campaign, and co-representative of Citizen’s Movement for Environment Justice. He continues to serve as a mentor to attorneys with his legal acumen, warmth and commitment to professionalism. Mr. Kim received his B.A. in Agriculture from Seoul National University and passed the 7th High Ranking Government Officer Exam and the 8th Bar Exam for Judicial Department.



Graduated from Icheon Jeil High School (Then named Icheon Agricultural High School)
B.A., Seoul National University, School of Agriculture (‘56)
Honorary Doctorate Degree, Westminster Graduate School of Theology, Humanities (‘96)
Honorary Doctorate Degree, Hoseo University, School of Law (‘02)


Passed the 7th High Ranking Government Officer Exam ('56)
Passed the 8th Bar Exam for Judicial Department ('57)
Korea Navy Judicial Officer ('57~'60)
Judge, Seoul District Court and Seoul High Court('60~'70)
Presiding Judge, Seoul District Court and Daejon District Court ('70~'75)
Presiding and Chief Presiding Judge, Seoul High Court ('75~'81)
Attorney at law ('81~'88)
Justice, Supreme Court ('88~'94)
Advisory Counsel, Hannuri(present)


Admitted to Bar, Korea (‘60)

Work Highlights


Visiting Researcher, University of Washington, School of Law ('94~'95)
Board of Directors, Korean Bar Association ('97~'98)
Civil Act, Civil Procedure Act Professor, Hoseo University ('96~'02)
Civil Act, Civil Procedure Act Professor, Hannam University (‘97~’00)
Chairperson, Special Committee on Reform of Civil Act and Civil Execution Act ('99)
Co-representative, Citizens’ Movement for Environment Justice NGO ('99~'00)
Co-representative, National Trust Campaign(‘00~’04)
Chairman, Child Fund Korea(`00~'08)
Chairman, Il-ga Commemorating Donation Fund (`00~`10)
Chairman, The Korea Christian Conciliation and Arbitration Institute (`08~`10)
Chairman, Hoseo Educational Foundation (`09~`16)
Co-representative, Christian Council of Korea (present)
Honorary Commissioner, Moral-Re-Armament Initiatives of Change Korea (present)
Advisory Counsel, Far East Broadcasting Corporation (present)
Advisory Counsel, National Nature Trust (present)
Standing Advisor, Korea Christian Conciliation and Arbitration (present)
Honorary Chairman, Il-ga Commemorating Donation Fund (present)


“Case Laws Under Civil Procedure Act” and 7 others

Suite #431, 27, Seochojungang-Ro 24-Gil, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea
+82-2-537-9500 ㅣ FAX. +82-2-564-9889 ㅣ E-mail: hnr@hnrlaw.co.kr