Members’ Profiles

Song, Sung-hyun Partner
Mr. Song represents and advises shareholders, corporations, and governments in large-scale, complex mass tort litigations. He created numerous important precedents in the field of financial investment related practice and deals with a variety of leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures, and other business combination transactions. He is an eminent professional in the field of finance, administrative and corporate law. Prior to joining Hannuri Law, Mr. Song started his career at Jisung law firm in 2007, which later became Jipyong Jisung law firm in 2008, where he gained immense experience in not only financial litigation but also cases throughout civil, criminal and administrative matters until 2011. Mr. Song has deep relations with the public sector, serving as a legal counselor at Yongin City office and as a TF member for the Financial Supervisory Service’s Sanction Improvement Committee. Actively engaging in pro bono legal activities since the start of his career, Mr. Song is a legal advisor at the Institute of the Disabled for Independent Living, counsel to various education facilities and is a member of Yongin Cultural Foundation Personnel Committee. He received 2014 Korea's New Knowledge Management Award by Sisa Today, 2014 Korea’s New Innovative Legal Service Research Award from Herald Biz and was named Best Performing Lawyer of the Year by the Korean Bar Association in 2017. He considers that lawyers’ role and responsibilities are to be the best helpers for clients by providing practical guidance through the complexities of the new changes in our society. Mr. Song received his LL.B. from Yonsei University, passed the Korean Bar in 2004 and finished courses at the Judicial Research & Training Center in 2007.



Graduated Taesung High School (’96)
LL.B., Yonsei University (‘05)


Passed the 46th Korean Bar (‘04)
Completed courses at the Judicial Research & Training Center (’07)
Jisung Law Offices ('07~'08)
Jipyong & Jisung ('08~'11)


Admitted to Bar, Korea (’07)

Work Highlights

Represented fraudulent disclosures, accounting fraud, use of undisclosed information, stock price manipulation litigations
Handled companies’ management struggles related to shareholder meetings, solicitation of proxy votes and provisional measures
Conducted injunction of misconduct, removal of executives, etc. due to misconduct of directors and officers such as executives’ embezzlement
Litigation and consultation for minority shareholders in derivative suits, inspection of shareholder list and accounting books, etc.
Representation and consultation regarding incomplete sales, mismanagement in financial investment products (Supreme Court 2016da3638 fund subscription cancelation suit, etc.)
Representation and consultation in securities-related class action suits
Representation and consultation in Financial Supervisory Service’s investigation cases
Administrative litigation and consultation related to real estate construction approval, development fee, penalties due to nominal trust, restriction for bid participation, etc.
Litigation and consultation related to collective damage, such as noise vibration, sales fraud, land compensation, etc. (Seoul Central District Court 2013gahap530883, etc.)
General civil, criminal, family related litigations and consultations.



Completed the 4th Securities and Finance Research and Training Institute Program, Seoul Bar Association (’07)
Advisory Counsel, Institutes of the Disabled for Independent Living ('07~present)
Honorary Teacher and Member of the Autonomous Committee for Countermeasures Against School Violence, Seoul Bangsan Elementary School ('10~'12)
Financial Investment Law Special Training Program, Korean Bar Association (’11)
Tort Law Special Training Program, Korean Bar Association (’12)
Legal Advisor, Yongin City (‘12~‘19)(‘20~`22. 07.)
Legal Advisor, Yongin Taesung High School ('12.11.~present)
Auditor, Institute of the Disabled for Independent Living ('13~present)
Property Management Council, Seoul Bar Association (’14)
Lectured “Legal Issues Related to Transaction of Stocks and Financial Products” in a law culture class, co-organized by Seoul Central District Court and Seoul Metropolitan Government
TF member for the Financial Supervisory Service, Securities and Futures Commission’s Sanction Improvement Committee (‘17)
Member of the Steering Committee of the Residents' Support Fund for the Surrounding Area of the Commercial Facilities in Yongin City ('18-20)
Member of Yongin Cultural Foundation Personnel Committee (‘19~`22)
Legal Advisor, Yongin Cultural Foundation (‘19~`22)
Lectured “Status and Issues of Class Action” at the Seoul National University, Public Interest & Legal Clinic Center, Legal Training Program (‘20)


Korea's New Knowledge Management Award from Sisa Today (‘14)
Korea’s New Innovative Legal Service Research Award from Herald Biz (‘14)
Named Best Performing Lawyer of the Year by the Korean Bar Association (‘17)


Suite #431, 27, Seochojungang-Ro 24-Gil, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea
+82-2-537-9500 ㅣ FAX. +82-2-564-9889 ㅣ E-mail: hnr@hnrlaw.co.kr